
如果你的企业在定价计划中考虑了需求, learn how electricity 需求 could impact your energy bill and pricing plan options.



消费,以 千瓦小时(kWh),表示所使用的能量 在一段时间内.

需求衡量, 千瓦(kW),表示用电量 在给定的时间点上.

Demand is a key factor of your electricity costs and your eligibility for business pricing plans. 因此, your business energy bill is based on the following components:

  1.  你用多少电
  2. 当你用电时
  3. 对一些客户来说,你每次用多少电


  1. 不符合: The non-coincident 需求 charge is based on the higher kW 需求 from either the 最大月需求量 or 50% of the 年最大需求量 (in any 15-minute interval). Non-coincident 需求 can occur at any time: day or night or during on-peak, 非高峰, 或者是非高峰时段. The non-coincident 需求 charge is a component of the Utility Distribution Company (UDC) Total Rates. 这一费用弥补了可持续发展目标的传输和分配成本&E为个人顾客提供服务, such as the costs of transmission and distribution power lines and distribution substations sized to meet a customer’s load requirements.
  2. 供需: The on-peak 需求 charge is applied to the highest kW 需求 (in a 15-minute interval) that occurs during on-peak time periods in the bill cycle. 高峰需求收费周期因季节而异, with summer being June 1 to October 31 and winter being November 1 to May 31. 就像非同步需求收费, 高峰需求收费是UDC总费率的一个组成部分. 这笔费用恢复了可持续发展目标&E是建设电力基础设施的成本, such as distribution substations and distribution and transmission power lines, in support of costs related to non-generation that are necessary to meet peak 需求.
  3. 代: The generation 需求 charge applies to the highest kW 需求 (in a 15-minute interval) that occurs during on-peak time periods, 随季节变化. 夏季为6月1日至10月31日,冬季为11月1日至5月31日.) This charge recovers the generation costs of meeting on-peak energy 需求s. While the generation 需求 charge is similar to the on-peak 需求 charge, 它是电能商品成本(EECC)的一个组成部分。. 社区 Choice Aggregator (CCA) customers can get details of the generation charge from their CCA.


Demand is important to understand because it affects your business in the following ways:

  • 您对某些定价计划的资格. 例如, 如果你的需求超过20千瓦, you may be moved to a pricing plan that has 需求 charges or different Time-of-Use periods.
  • 你每月的能源账单, which is based on both the amount of energy you use and when you use it. 即使你的定价计划不包括需求费用, 基本服务费通常与你的需求挂钩.


If your pricing plan includes 需求 charges, then 需求 charges will be …

  • A larger portion of your bill if you use a lot of electricity over a short period of time. (见下文A公司.)
  • A smaller portion of your bill if you spread out your electricity use over time. (见下文B公司.)


                                                                            公司                                                                                                                                                        B公司


公司 is an auto repair shop that is open 30 hours a week and requires 40 kW over the course of a 120-hour month. For one hour every month, 公司 requires 100 kW to start up the shop’s machines and appliances. A公司每月的能源使用量是4,800kwh (40kw × 120小时), 而它们的最大需求是100千瓦. 因此, 除了支付能源费用使用4,800千瓦时, 公司 will also pay 需求 charges for their maximum 需求 of 100 kW.

B公司 is a printing business that is open 40 hours a week and requires 20 kW over the course of a 160-hour month. B公司’s monthly energy use is 3,200千瓦时 (20 kW X 160 hours), while their maximum 需求 is 20 kW. 因此, 除了支付能源费使用3,200千瓦时, B公司 will also pay 需求 charges for their maximum 需求 of 20 kW.



  1. 检查你的 最大月需求量 and 年最大需求量 在“电力使用历史”下.” 例如, the business energy bill below shows that 需求 reached 22.每月6千瓦,每月25千瓦.全年1千瓦.
  2. Your maximum 需求 for the month also appears as the “Highest Usage Hour” under “Your 电 Dashboard” (shown below).


如果您的需求增加到足以改变您的定价计划资格, 你可能会为更大的业务制定定价计划. To continue to be enrolled in your current pricing plan with a few adjustments to manage 需求, 您可以继续符合下列现有计划的资格:

  • If your business is on a pricing plan for small businesses (需求 under 20 kW), you can stay on your current plan for another year if your 需求 remains under 20 kW for at least 每年一个月, 如果你 连续12个月中有2个月需求不超过200千瓦.
  • 如果你的业务是在时间表上, a pricing plan for mid-sized businesses (需求 between 20 kW and 40 kW), 如果你避免了,你可以继续你目前的计划 连续三个月 超过40千瓦的需求.
  • 跟踪和管理您的能源使用信息 in 我的能量中心 以便您更好地了解您的企业如何以及何时使用能源.
  • 评估你的业务 平衡或降低需求.
    • 考虑将能源使用转移到不同的时间段.
    • 错开重型设备的使用,以消除需求高峰.
    • 当你下班的时候关掉电子设备.
    • 减少同时操作的设备数量.
    • 在较低的强度下使用设备.
  • 安装节能设备 减少整体需求. 参观我们的储蓄中心 了解更多信息.
  • 了解你的定价计划. Know details of your pricing plan and whether your current plan works with your business operations.
  • 进行个性化比较. 当你 登录我的能量中心,回顾一下可供你选择的计划. 定期检查计划比较是一个很好的做法, 因为您需求的变化可能会影响您的定价计划选项.
  • 查看价格计划选项,查找更多节能提示 通过访问 yingla.net/mybusiness.

Utility Distribution Company (UDC) Total Rates are the sum of Distribution, 传输, 公益项目, 及其他收费(不包括电力能源商品成本), 水资源部债券(DWR-BC), 和Wildfire Non-ByPassable (WF-NBC)收费.

最大月需求量 当前计费期内的最大需求是多少.

年最大需求量 is the highest 最大月需求量 for the current and prior 11 billing periods.

The maximum monthly and annual 需求s are both based on the highest kW 需求 peak in any 15-minute interval.

The EECC is the customer’s commodity rate that recovers the cost of the actual energy that SDG&电力采购,以及发电成本. 社区选择聚合 (CCA) and Direct Access (DA) customers get their EECC rate from their CCA or DA provider.

在关键峰值定价(CPP)或减少您的使用事件日, 使用事件日费率的客户不需要支付发电需求费用. 而不是, they can reserve capacity through the Capacity Reservation Charge (CRC) and/or pay the CPP event rates during the event

Bundled customers on event day plans do not pay generation 需求 charges, but they still have the same non-coincident and peak 需求 charges as CCA or DA customers.

这两个词不一样. 的需求,正如你的能源账单所反映的那样, 是基于你一次所消耗的能量. 与此同时, 的需求 Response’ is a set of voluntary programs that provide financial incentives to customers who can conserve energy during designated time frames in which a local or statewide power grid experiences high energy 需求.